Dan Thomson is out there doing it, living it and each and everyday is succeeding at it. Circuband is a new product that has the potential to change the fitness and personal gym industry as well as alter the way physiotherapists and surgeons monitor and rehabilitate their patients. His stories are deep, broad and full of so many gems.rrI hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did, whether it’s watching on YouTube, or listening to the audio on Anchor, iTunes or Stitcher. Be sure to subscribe as well as check out the links below.rr rInstagram @iamdanielthomsonr rEmail danielthomson@circuband.comr rInstagram @circubandr rWebsite www.circuband.com/rrSPONSOR: https://waiket0.experienceketo.com/r rInstagram @stagvisionrrInstagram @stagryanr rTwitter @stagryanr rSnapchat @stagryanr rFacebook @WaiKetor rBlog https://stagryan.com/